Sunday, February 8, 2009

Climbing out of a Bad Weekend

So you didn't think my weekend could get worse, did ya? Well, it did!

Let me just say that scratched corneas are very painful. And, even more so when you are six years old and don't understand why your eye hurts so badly. Poor little man!

Anyway, my wonderful mom came up to help out Friday night and to serve as reinforcement as I attempted to get my kids out of bed on Saturday morning for a 7am soccer game. So, on Friday night we headed to Red Robin for dinner, then ran a few errands to Target and Home Depot. Somewhere along the way Zach began complaining that, not only did his eye hurt, but now his throat hurt as well. Warning bells started going off, since he was just treated for strep not two weeks earlier. We headed home, got in our jammies and watched "Mama Mia" before heading to bed early. I awoke at about 3am and couldn't get back to sleep, so headed to the computer at 4am. At 6am I woke the rest of the crew up and we headed to the soccer game, during which time Zach complained about his eye and his throat. As we loaded into the car after the game and prepared to head to Blue Springs for haircuts, Zach began crying and complaining that his stomach hurt. I quickly turned the car around and headed for home. He refused to eat or drink, and after listening to his complaints become worse over the next few hours, I placed my hand on his head only to find he was burning up! We headed to the pediatric after hours clinic, where after a two hour wait (and a fine episode of puking on the doctor), he was once again diagnosed with strep throat.

The rest of Saturday sucked! I could not wait for Roger to pull into the driveway on Sunday! I feel completely drained, even after getting a full night of sleep last night. Zach, on the other hand, was feeling much better today - even doing dance moves during the Grammy's this evening! He will definitely be heading to school tomorrow morning!

Thankfully, I have nothing scheduled tomorrow and can play catch up!

Have a great week!


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